buggered if I'm watching the whole thing

As of about two hours and twenty-eight minutes into the future when 2009's files have been copied I shall finally be in a properly backed-up state, having previously only been partially backed-up as external drives generally held everything which overflowed from the relative smallness of the laptop rather than an entirely distinct extra copy. Everything will be on at least two drives (with things of slightly higher worth existing as a third copy (if not more, though I'm quite bad at keeping archived DVDs anywhere sensible)) kept in distinctish physical locations. A third copy of everything not already thriplicated will shortly be created on another drive and then dumped in my parents' loft when visiting next month for augmentation with additional things of importance with each successive visit. I will also be able to get at all my pictures without having to fish out 3.5" external HD power supplies and will also be more easily able to go through everything and start weeding out utter shite to save space on the long-term backup drive.

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