Monster Cloud

And a spot of faffery

Headed off to work this morning knowing I had a dental appointment at 8:45. You can imagine my joy extensive range of curses when the traffic on the road bridge ground to a halt when I was halfway across. I could see someone further ahead, out of their car running from side to side. I assumed they were dealing with an incident. The traffic moved a bit...stopped...moved..stopped and then I spotted the cause a few cars up from me. A blumming duck!

Like any true blipper I reached in my bag to grab my phone to snap. Sadly I had to drop it again as the traffic moved. Then the duck plumped itself down in front of my car. Wiggled a bit and settled (remember the dentist appointment?). I sat for a wee while then got out to see if I could...well I am not sure what? Catch it? Move it? Encourage it to fly? scuttled off into the next lane ( the driver stopped) so I got in and headed on.

And I made it to the dentist on time! I do wonder if the duck made it :(

Way too much excitement for a Monday morning lol!

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