
By Kangaroo


Earlier this morning I walked around the streets to photograph some of the delicacy of the first colours of sunrise. From a distance as I was coming back from a trip to the supermarket, I saw sudden long shafts of light as if an electric light had been turned on and stared at them. I ran to get my camera again and the dimension of the blinding light truly really surprised me when I caught up with the source of this electric light effect. Loveliest colour on common ordinary every day dirt on the ground in its strongest path. Such delicacy, but so light and bright.

Anyway, have a look. It is not the greatest photograph, but it will remind me of the experience those moments before of the light on the dirt. I was concerned about doing my eyes damage and averted my face from directly gazing into the sun. As far as I was able to force myself to look away. The power of the sunlight was a little mesmerising and I thought of Icarus. I am off to catch the bus soon. If I see something a-mazing on my way to Adelaide - and I manage a photograph - I will load the image on Flickr for you to see. Promise. :)

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