
By bevwestwood

Murmuration over Sizewell

It's incredibly difficult to adequately capture a Starling murmuration in a still photograph. This is a snapshot from a video I took today (and yes, I've been a bit arty with it!!)

Had heard that the Starling roost at Minsmere had grown to around 40.000 birds and, given that the weather turned out much nicer than forecast and I was being unproductive at home, I decided to head down there mid afternoon. The light was beautiful during the late afternoon and I'll try and post links to some photos later on. Island Mere Hide soon began to fill up with hopeful birders and curious others and the Starlings did not disappoint. I'd already decided to use video mostly and it's not bad but the light levels were really quite low.

Anyway, hope you like this. I thought it looked quite good with the dome of Sizewell underneath.

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