Love Knot

I've been massaging and sorting bits out for my trip to London tomorrow night, as well as having a heavy head, so I have next to nothing for today's blip. This will have to do. Clearly I like bikes too much but this looked like a love knot to me, two bikes intertwined in front of a flower shop. Did I mention I have a sore head?

Thank you kindly for your comments over the past few days - much appreciated. The hat from Saturday's blip is actually for Dr T and may feature in a future blip if I can convince him. I found out today that Friday's blip of the balancing stone structure hit the spotlight but by the time I was notified it was gone which rather neatly illustrates the nature of impermanence I was trying to convey. ;-)

Thank you, too, for your suggestions for the chirping smoke detector. Yes, a hammer was considered... Today we received a free home visit from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to sort it out. Two lovely firefighters got the smoke detector up (literally, after I nearly pulled it off the ceiling) and working again and suggested that the best way to delay fire spreading is to close the kitchen and front room doors at night before going to bed. They were professional, helpful and laughed at my jokes. This is what excellent public services are all about in my book.

Edinburgh Light Blipmeet

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