You sent me to the Spotlight! Woofs to you all.

It snowed again last night, a beautiful backdrop for my handsome guy. It makes me so happy that you take as much pride in Kelso as I do - he really did you all proud at the parade. The look on the children's' faces was simply pure delight - I can't wait to do it again next year.

Did I mention that this parade involves a bit of drinking? As the day wore on (we were there for hours) people started asking me if he was a large poodle, an English Wolfhound, an Italian Greyhound, or a pony. A few of the bagpipers asked if he wanted a beer, which we declined. Quite an adventure, and the whole thing got so silly, it really lifted my spirits.

Today was a day of biscuits and a long nap on a warm bed… for him and for me, too - that parade involved a lot of walking!

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