
By Angelique


Thought you might like to see what I have been spending so much time creating. Today, I have cleaned each piece ready for it's final joining together. You can see why I had to create a 'jig' so that each piece was identical. It's not quite, but as it's only my third creation, I think it will be great.

I love the colours I was able to source and I know it will look great in my bedroom. (previously blipped).

Work was dreadful this morning, mainly because my computer has ceased, become dead, whatever else you would call it. So therefore I couldn't operate. I was made redundant, so to speak. A complete waste of my time, and I hate that.

The weather has also been lousy so I'm glad that the day is nearly over. Thank you for checking in to see if I'm OK and all the kind comments on my orchid. Still miss the humerous comments I used to receive from a certain quarter and wondering what has happened?!!

I hope your day has been better than mine, that maybe you even had some sunshine. How I long to feel warm again and run my toes on a hot sandy beach. But I'm dreaming again!!
Hugs to you all, my fellow blip friends. nighty night x

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