
By joolz88

tangled yarn

I am in the process of crocheting a knight helmet for Shane, and it would be done by now if it weren't for my miraculous ability to transform any ball of yarn I come into contact with into a frustrating knotted up mess. I then make it worse by yanking furiously on any loose end I can find until it becomes even more impenetrable and eventually breaks off. This time around, I'm trying to take a less hamfisted approach, patiently following the strand, easing it through one loop at a time, staying present in each small step of the unraveling, refusing to be overwhelmed by the labyrinth of the Big Picture. We'll see how long my attention span lasts. Luckily it's a grey and rainy evening and I lack the motivation to leave my apartment. When I get sick of yarn, I have a new stack of books from the alt library I plan to dive into.

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