A day out in Carlisle

Travelled from Kirkby Stephen to Carlisle today on a section of the famous and beautiful Settle and Carlisle Railway. We came this way in 2005 when visiting Sedburgh, travelling the whole line but only having a couple of hours in the city.

The Settle and Carlisle Railway, saved from closure in the 1980s, passes through some wild and beuatiful scenery with its construction a testimony to the vision of its promoters and the skill and determination of the people involved in the hard labour required to force the line through some of the most rugged landscape in the country. The engineering, especially the viaducts and tunnels are world class.

On this occasion we joined the train after it had passed through the most remote parts of the journey, travelling north through the lower reaches of the Eden Valley - which in itself is beautiful.

After a mandatory visit to a cafe for coffee and scones (the same one as we went to in 2005) we explored the city which we had not had time to do in our last visit.

This border city has a lot to offer, situated as it is on the border between England and Scotland in the heart of the Riever Lands. A very interesting Cathederal, a covered market, big market square, and this place - Tullie House which is an art gallery and museum at the heart of the old quarter of the city.

In the evening we reciprocated the dinner for our friends from Grange who came over to sample our excellent food and drink. And another jolly good time was had by all. (I hope)

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