Billboard Hits

By chicklet

Last Nite

Vitamin C 2007

This is a shot of our last night camp site, have to confess I was kinda photoed out by the last day but wanted to blip one of the campsites.
Admittedly I have nothing to compare these sites has always been an adjective in my world rather than a verb but word from the rest of the gang is that Namibian facilities were superb. Hot showers, 'leccy points for battery and I-pod charging were available everywhere we stopped and it appears to be the land of the never ending loo roll with plentiful supplies and clean and working facilities everywhere we went!
I'll be backbliping over the weekend please take a peek...I have 900+ to sort through and though I do say it myself, one or two of them should turn out quite nicely.
16th November is up already and, while perhaps not a postcard has a little something going for it...

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