shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Family Memories

A lovely and very entertaining evening, though heavily featuring interrogation! My uncle and aunt are over visiting from France, and they took me and the friends they are staying with, who are basically also part of the family, out for dinner today to a very carefully chosen restaurant. Brian Maule at Chardon d'Or might seem to be chosen simply for good food, but there was a deeper reason. Many years ago, my Grandpa's office/warehouse occupied the space now inhabited by the restaurant, so it was a real trip down memory lane for my uncle. We laughed very hard, and told a lot of family stories, remembered my Gran and my Grandpa, and other family members, and, very significantly, we noted that the plates weren't hot - which anyone who knew my Gran will understand would not have gone down well at all! My face actually hurts from laughing! So good to see them.

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