The second half of life..

By twigs

I swallowed a frog today......


What I mean is I achieved a bit of a first for me today and overcame a personal barrier.

I had a call this morning asking if I could do a presentation for someone - in just a couple of hours. Now usually, I'd let my 'fears' dominate my decision, but today I courageously said a quick and emphatic 'Yes'. Whew!! There was still time to back out though......

Then, a very short while later, another call saying things had changed and could I do it in 15 minutes instead. Oo-err! It was almost as though the universe had heard my mind identify its escape route then decided that no, I was not going to be able to back out! With almost as much conviction, I said yes........and it all turned out fine. Not brilliant but certainly not a failure! Woo-hoo!!!

In a slightly elevated state I headed to the supermarket and, with some new-found confidence, decided today was the day to wander the carpark and click a few logos. There were quite a few sideways glances at me but I simply explained what I was doing to people and most were rather intrigued - not at all suspicious.


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