
Of Aliens, haven't they got long white bodies quite
different to the others I see... OK I promise not to do
any more mucking about with my fotos...:-)don't dare
Go large or they may get you...........-:)) l think this is my
sexdrugs&rocknroll Bohemian phase...or am I just
Plain nuts.....answers to Lemmy via Blipland. ?.....but I
Have to add sometimes it is a good place to be at the
Moment !!!-:D
On my daughters rounds she noticed a little dog he
was about the size of a staffie he was a cross of some
sort anyhoo she passed him three times and decided to
stop and went over to him giving him no eye contact she
watches Cesar Milan too.. he jumped into her van and
sat down...after many phone calls to me, as she didn't
know whether to take him home because he had no collar
I said he could have slipped it and just run off, so the plan
was to take him to our local dog and cat home Mrs Murrays
she's been on the go for yonks and they keep the animals
if they can't get homes for them, so she borrowed a leash
went out to him he went with her no bother, inside the
waiting room he made such a fuss of everyone, then they
took him she explained she was interested in him and they
told her to call back today...he was chipped and the owners
picked him up they were so distraught, he had slipped his
collar and snuck out of a hole in the fence, they said he has
no road sense so he's a lucky dog, my daughter was happy
they came for him but at the same time disapointed as she
has been looking for a pal for Bug, but we all agreed it just
wasn't to be..
Hope your all having a good day..

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