Life is a bit of a blur..

By SarahL2012

"Neigh nominate"

Lots of neigh nominations going around on facebook today - much better than the drinking game! Bit of story to this one.......

There have been loads of horses in my life that deserve a special mention, but I've decided to post a photo of the Namibian wild horse "Chocolate" who carried me safely across 2 desert rides some 10 years ago now because I learnt so much from him in such a short space of time.

I've ridden in many countries round the world and the horses are rarely schooled to European standards. Even so, Chocolate was a bit different because he had been living in a wild herd until he was about 3/4 with no human interaction. Given we handle horses here from birth I'm unlikely to ever ride a horse like him again.

That first ride (he was still in training with the guides & wasn't supposed to be used for guests, but they had to take a couple of horses out of riding mid way across the desert due to minor injuries) showed me that wild horses react completely differently to situations than domesticated horses. If something frightened Chocolate his instinct was to run. Not just spook - RUN! Absolutely no point in pulling on the reins and asking him to stop; I had to learn to let him run and only gradually 'suggest' that pulling up was a good idea.

He also had a much better idea of what ground was like than any human - and would jump and swerve around the squirrel holes at even a flat gallop. It was all about his self preservation and absolutely not about looking after his rider!

Despite the hair raising first ride I took him across Damaraland 6 months later in 2005. Still head strong - threw me off when I thought cantering bareback was a good idea - but he was a one off and I've always loved a challenge!

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