
By mamasuzi

Wait 'til you see the whites of their eyes...

Second day of our safari, which was pretty much a repeat of the first day, with lots of animals. We had resigned ourselves to not seeing a cheetah, when one ran across the road right in front of our car and then sat down about 50 yards away and proceeded to look inscrutible.

On the way home, we saw more elephants, we were driving along the road parallel to them , then our driver decided to go off road, to get a bit nearer - nearer than I was bargaining for, to be honest. He drove right through the line, so we had elephants on both sides, and they were getting fairly agitated, rocking backwards and forwards, trumpeting, flaring their ears. The kids hid under their jackets, Emma was looking a trifle uneasy, and I just kept on taking pictures. As soon as Abel switched the engine off, the elephants calmed down, walked round the back of the car, and went on their way. Phew.

We have decided to call it a day, rather than go back tomorrow. I really wanted to go to the Ngoro Ngoro crater, but it was just too difficult logistically, so we have decided to leave that for next time. One of the advantages of holidaying only 200km from one of the best wildlife parks on the planet.

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