Red Mushrooms

The seasons are vying with each other right in the microcosm of our own backyard. The blooming shrubs which I posted yesterday, have at their base these charming red mushrooms which flourish by the creek that runs between our house and the neighbor's as soon as it starts to rain.

The local weather mavens are finally beginning to acknowledge that recent rains have brought us close to 50% of normal rainfall rather than the 20% it was just a couple of weeks ago. The high pressure ridge which was pushing all the rain to the north, has finally moved out of there way, and we seem to be in a more normal wet weather pattern. Grudgingly, they admit that while still not enough to end the drought, we've gotten enough to make a difference. Something is always better than nothing….

It amazes me how quickly the dry, tired, dun colored fields and bare trees have begun to grow green coats. The mustard, which was nonexistent a week or two ago, is blooming beneath the vines, and the hills are green with new grass. The dry, cracked creek beds are full of water and the plum and cherry trees have burst into full bloom and are beginning to show signs of new leaves. OilMan and and Dana have been toiling to make french drains at the top of our hilly lot to direct the water into predictable channels and away from potential mud holes.

No wonder we all talk about the weather so much. It is a constant source of amazement.

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