
By Achro420

Don't Throw It All Away...

In exactly one week and three months, the two of us will no longer be together, and all of these happy memories will be a thing of the past. I haven't forgotten, and I don't think it's fair for you to forget them either. We've had our bad times and our worst times, but we've also had our good times and our best times, and if you really think about it, it has been more good than bad.

I don't think you've lost the love. I could see it in how you playfully tried to get me with the razor the last time I saw you. I think you've just lost faith... all faith... and I can't help that, but I can still be there for you and try to rebuild your faith in any way that I can. I'm getting help, and I think it will help make things better. The only thing I ask of you is to leave the door of possibility open. You don't have to want to love me, you just have to allow yourself to feel whatever way you will. Maybe right now you don't feel like you ever want to come back, but I have hope and faith, and I know that somewhere buried deep down inside is a little scrap of what you once felt, it's just been lost in all the anger and frustration... But once you can overcome that, I know that things will work out somehow.

Maybe not now... Maybe not by the end of the year... Maybe not even for a long time... But I have faith in us and our ability to overcome the odds. We've done it how many times before?

We hit our breaking point. You just hit yours a little harder, and that's okay... But just because something is broken doesn't mean you can't piece it back together with time. Just remember that you are the world to me, and I don't care if I shouldn't be saying it, I will never love anyone more than I loved and still love you. As sure as you may be about your own feelings, I am just as sure or more of this.

I've dug my own hole... Just give me the chance to dig myself out of it. I'd do anything for you, and I will wait as long as it takes, battling the insanity of every day spent without you as best as I can. I've got a new goal in life, and it's to prove to you over time that I am still someone worth being with. Just please don't force yourself not to feel it. I love you.

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