Autumn colours again

It hasn't been a good day to get my photo on blip today. I took the perfect photo, and then I accidentally deleted it. So I went and took another. Round two of getting down low on the ground with a fractured ankle bone. I had to get help to get back up again. Then I typed about 10 lines of the blurb, only to accidentally delete that. So hopefully I will get it right this time!

We had a foggy, cool start to the morning today. But once the fog lifted, the sun came out and it turned out to be a lovely warm autumn day.

With the leaves falling with the breeze, there are a few feathers on the ground, obviously having been blown out of the trees also. You will see the brown lawn - the 20 mls of rain we had at the end of last week hasn't done anything to turn the grass green again. Our only hope is the heavy dew that we are getting overnight - fingers crossed this helps with a bit of growth.

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