
By AfterDark

Invincible Determination

"Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man".
Iain Duncan Smith

Oh.. Guys...
I took 20+ Photographs today and I had to set aside all the others in favour of this Gentleman's Invincible Determination !.. I meet him near to top of Rivey Hill, Linton. He paused and proudly told me he had made it all the way to the top and that he was just worried he might slip over..

I stepped aside to allow him to continue his downwards journey.

F.Y.I. Rivey Hill at this time of year is a Slippery,Wet,Muddy Path with an incline of 1 in 4 plus the path is tilted at 1 in 5. This lovely gentleman was slowly pigeon stepping his way back down in full shirt and tie,cap and using TWO walking sticks...

I admire his true grit... This gent is probably 75+ and was walking alone..

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I Extend many thanks to all who take the time to view my images and leave comments, this is a warm friendly community that has inspired me to always carry my Camera at all times.. yesterdays (100 blips) image just jumped out at me in the early morning as the frost was thawing on the honeysuckle leafs and the funny thing is both my most popular images where taken in my own yard.

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