City Boy

By kwasi

A Little Bit of Blip Fun

Well, its been quite a spell IT wise and today especially. What is it about IT equipment that makes it stop working and go into the huff? In the past 5 months I've had two significant malware infections (cost £170 plus £40 for new software protection and less hair than I had), a somewhat difficult change of email address (courtesy of blueyonder, cost £0 but even less hair and worn down teeth from gnashing), a broken iPad (now replaced, courtesy of John Lewis two year guarantee (cost £0 but a weaker heart because of having to reset it to factory settings - have you ever tried to follow some support community advice??!?), a broken printer that would not link to wireless, decided not to copy and decided not to show itself from time to time when I wanted to print (cost of nervous breakdown), install new printer (cost£130 for one to speak effortlessly to pc, iPad and iPhone from John Lewis along with the two year guarantee and technical support if needed). I spent much of this morning setting it up and it is lovely. It speaks to me, positively purrs when spoken to kindly and has agreed to print text and photographs from my iPhone, iPAd, pc and J's equipment. (I spent last evening trying to convince some sceptical friends in our church of the need to move much further into the use of IT!)

The rest of the day is my own. Off to friends for an early meal then onto the Lyceum Theatre for Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit. It will be cheerier than Crime and Punishment and A long Day's Journey into Night - I tried to commit suicide after seeing the latter and understood why Eugene O'Neill is reported to have cried all through the writing of the play. I cried all through the watching of it!

I decided today to have a little bit of blipfun by shooting a domestic item and then playing just a little in the processing. What is the object (easy, I think)?

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