The story so far...


These need tasting!

Ollie's teeth are still waiting to break through the gum and in the mean time everything needs licking, sucking and chomping on. He doesn't seem too bothered by his teeth though so far, long may it last.
Cams behaviour is still on the up. Baby gym went amazingly and he even shared a pram with a little girl. They spent a good 10 minutes pushing it round together, they were like a little couple, it was incredibly sweet. We had a yummy lunch at ben's house with Charlotte and Aidan and their mummies and again cam managed to control himself better then usual and only lashed out once.
The three hour nap from both the boys continues but cam woke up full of beans and spent the rest of the afternoon emptying kitchen cupboards and insisting mummy wear a colander on her head. Splendid!

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