What do you see when you look over a wall?

Up in London most of the day. In the morning in Beckenham with colleagues from our consortium, the London CLC Collective, planning a bid to the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in the new primary National Curriculum Computing requirements and in the afternoon at a school in Greenwich learning about the implications for secondary schools of the new Computing requirement. It was good to meet people I used to work with when in Greenwich, they were envious I'd managed to get early retirement. Seems like they've got no ICT lead in Greenwich - I wonder why?

The way home was along a road I'd travelled many times before but never looked beyond the main road. I knew the Thames was over on my left so I went exploring to see what I could find.

This is what I saw over the embankment which protects the new houses built in this area. The Thames path alongside the river, a ship moored and extensive views towards the City. The vessel is the Pur Navolok.

The signpost is a bit symbolic as it seems to indicate we're at a crossroads at the moment and I wonder which way we'll go?

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