"Hello, how are you today?"

I was looking forward to a day to myself today but I was so exhausted last night I fell asleep early evening and didn't get my work finished. I'd reached the end of the road.

Had a good night's sleep and a bit of a lie in this morning so I felt a bit more refreshed. Managed to get up and use the morning to write my sermon for this evening's Women's World Day of Prayer Service. It flowed well and I have just finished. That makes me feel much better. I now have six hours to myself and I am in the mood to get on with tidying the house, which will make me feel even better.

I was in the lounge on the laptop and the camera was next to me in the hope the birds came to the feeder. This blackbird came out from under the bush near the patio door. I didn't move from my seat but just grabbed one shot across the room and through the window before he moved. I love his expression!

There was a lot of glare on the window so I've cropped the picture, tweaked the levels slightly to remove some glare and added a vignette to mask some of the glare and give focus to the face and expression. There may be other photos to be had later in the day but I just love the friendly enquiring expression so he had to be blipped!

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