an old cynic's view

By superhero

This is Wobbly Williams !!!

Otherwise known as Bryn Williams.
Bryn was diagnosed with Parkinson's 6years ago at the age of 36,this may come as a shock to most people as the common thought is that this is an old peoples illness.
He has a web site ""
Have a read at it and find out how inspirational people can be when faced with adversity.
I thought I would take the chance of. Inviting him to speak at our charity night in Eaglesham ,nothing to lose.
I am delighted to say he agreed yahoo, if you don't ask !!!!!
Note to self must get the date organised ha ha,I'm doing it backwards booking the stars before I have a date.
Still my friend Richard is going to get some football tops signed so anything like that would be grate fully received
My adrenalin is flowing, this is great fun ,the pleasure I'm getting is amazing

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