Bumbling about..

The sun is out and that is making the crocus shout for joy.. throwing their petals wide and inviting the bees to come and partake of their pollen stores. This Bumble bee and the many others I saw were moving very slowly through the flowers.. some lying drunk, head first down in the middle of the flowers!! Lovely to see and feel spring in the air..might get the grass cut this weekend and perhaps even sit out in the garden .. woo hoo!!

Spent a very happy afternoon listening to Fergus Garrett, of Great Dixter garden fame, talk about how he goes about choosing the combinations of plants in the garden. I really must go and see it some day..and I have decided on the strength of the talk that I will plant up a lot of pots with fabulous things and to experiment with plant combinations more using colour, texture and shape. However, since I don't have 7 gardeners to help me it will be a much smaller experimentation than he carries out !!

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