Always find a way forward

Today we had our sponsored walk for Treasure Trove. It is notorious for always attracting bad weather and this year was no exception. But on we go.

TT is a charity that runs a residential every summer for disabled and non-disabled young people and it is absolutely amazing. It creates a utopia of inclusiveness and equality and respect and dignity that you would think is too difficult to achieve.

But with the right attitude and the will to find a way to make it work, it can be done and Treasure Trove is proof of that. They are my family and getting involved changed my life.

As with any volunteer-run charity, fundraising is crucial for keeping us going. So a walk around a little park may not seem like a huge challenge but in the mud and rain, with wheelchairs trying to get around badly parked cars, no dropped kerbs, the momentous effort involved with traveling to take part, whether a wheelchair in and out of a car or a young person with learning disabilities being independent and using buses, or people traveling some distance from uni - it is a great thing to see Treasure Trove form again for the day.

There's nothing but genuine pleasure to see each other. It recharges my soul and keeps me going again until the summer when I can immerse myself in my perfect world for a week.

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