same old fall back

I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the kink put in the radiator-feedpipe by the plasterer, mentioned previously and a cause of extreme annoyance when we came home to discover it but gradually forgotten since as the visibility of the kink was reduced by it being beneath the level of the floor. I'd be much happier about making small adjustments to the tightnesses of the various tightenable bits responsible for the current micro-leak if the valve didn't want to wiggle slightly when the connector connecting it to the reasonably immobile radiator is fiddled with. I'm now nervous about the defensive towels underneath the micro-leak accidentally pressing against the pipe if anything pushes their other side. Some poking amongst old photographs revealed that we're still safely within the five-year guarantee period of the central heating installation so when we get them in to fix the poorly-made snapped-off exit valve of the bathroom radiator the kinked pipe shall be requested to be poked at and hopefully replaced, though any chance of getting the plastering-oaf to pay for his misdeed after so long will be fairly remote.

Despite the great potential for development of bubbling spurts of misanthropy involved in heading anywhere near any sort of accumulation of shops at this time of year I met up with Nicky on her way back from the allotment to poke at things, specifically the things suitable for the various people we know aged between three days and four years old who'll have to have their stuff handed over to the people responsible for them in a couple of weekends' time, possibly slightly too soon to be able to get their stuff through an internet. Only one of the shops visited was playing an offensively festive tune and as everything is bound to get worse later getting this sort of thing done sooner is probably beneficial for levels of annoyance.

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