...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Twirling Transplant

She stood proudly for many years on El Cajon Boulevard. She was created in 1947, to stand as a guiding light the front of the Campus Drive-In. But in 1983, when the Drive-In closed, they put this majorette into storage. This would never do, after all she had been such an iconic part of San Diego. In 1985 she was purchased for $4000, and restored at a costly $200,000.
She proudly twirls again. The 46 foot tall Campus Twirler currently resides at the College Grove Shopping Center.

She brings me back to a place in time when you could go to the movies in your footie pajamas, in the back of your mom and dad's station wagon, then pretend you are asleep so your dad will carry you into the house when you got home. ;) Yeah, but I think he knew!!!

She still makes me smile!!!

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