
After yesterday's sun (a sunny landscape blipped) woke up to heavy rain and the view of the mountains gone - but that was expected so we didn't need to be in a hurry to get out.
A leisurely breakfast and then back over to Loch Lomond and up to the north end where we parked and went for a walk along the West Highland Way - about 4 miles each way. I walked this many years ago with my daughter but didn't remember this bit well, it was the last section of what we found was the hardest day.
The rain gradually eased and had stopped before we turned around but the valley below us was flooded. On the more open sections we were reminded it had been a wise decision not to tackle any peaks.
Then back via the Station Café at Crianlarich (and a detour north to Tyndrum for some shopping) and some patches of blue sky on sunshine to finish with.
Nice break, seemed longer than 27 hours.

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