
Sleep is something I currently miss
Sleep is something I would like to rekindle my relationship with
Sleep, why do you torture charlotte me so?

Last night was hideous
Although that doesn't really come close

Bed around 10:30, cries around 11:50- I sat with her till about 12:20 crawled back into bed to hear five minutes later more cries. Daddy went, back quickly. Five more minutes even more cries. She was either scratching her head or her teeth!

I made the futon up, in the dark! And settled down on that which seemed to help. She dozed but then got very very upset. Out of her bed and into the futon. We cuddled for an eternity but she just couldn't settle. Around 2:00 it was getting utterly stupid.

Took her into our room and she eventually settled snuggled into the crook of daddy's arm. Daddy took her back to bed around 3:00, I was too wound up to go back to sleep as was convinced she was going to wake again. Luckily apart from some sleepy cries she slept till 7;00.

Got up and waved daddy off for shooting, devoured sausage sandwiches and then got ready for our photo shoot. Auntie Sarah and Helena bought it is for Christmas. Unfortunately the scratching signalled the return of a, the nits and b, the teething monster. Treated her hair again!

Lovely weather to be doing a photo shoot, such fun and once I got over the camera / the does my bum look big etc worries I enjoyed it too. Having Charlotte to hide behind helped.

Home for lunch, the girls had a picnic in the garden.

Daddy home
Charlotte slept, major grump when I woke her up
Headed out for early tea as all too tired to cook

Going to alter a few bits of bed routine tomorrow and see what happens

Hoping really hoping that we all sleep better tonight as I have a busy three days and lee has another horrendous week.

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