Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Shetland Bus

After a tiring day's flying, Jon S (ex-RAF SAR guy) and I went for an expedition!

Jon has been in Shetland just two months, and in that time has explored more of the islands than some of the pilots who have been in Shetland for 10 years. His knowledge is extensive, and we had a surprisingly pleasant afternoon just exploring this area.

This is the harbour that was used by the Shetland Bus operatives during World War 2. The Shetland Bus was the name given to a group of brave men who took their fishing vessels to and from Norway with supplies for the Resistance. And this is where they were based - that imposing looking building on the horizon was their HQ.

It's fascinating how you can drive through a landscape which may seem at first glance bleak and almost unworthy of comment - but when you learn its history, then it suddenly becomes alive with memories and stories. There are so many places like that in Shetland, and I am delighted that Jon introduced me to just one of them today.

A most pleasant afternoon.

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