
By Brotographer

Top of the World

Today was our off-day in between projects. Most of the others woke up at 4:30am to jump in Steven's matatu and head for a game drive and cruise at QENP. Having already done that, Kris and me recommended Jeffrey to them and decided to sleep in.

We made it out of the hostel pretty late but decided to make the most of the day by heading to Top of the World, after getting buffet at Gardens. Top of the World is a viewing over a series of crater lakes south of Fort Portal. This shot is of one of the larger ones, with great big clouds rolling around as usual in this landscape.

We jumped on two bodas waiting at Kibale road = 10,000 a piece. Massive bargain, that's £2.50. The drive was 45 minutes across a very bumpy dirt road. Our drivers were awesome though, so we managed to take in the vistas and play around with high speed gopro shots. When we got there, the view was breathtaking.

Later, we decided (on recommendation from the biker bros) to walk down to a lodge based next to a small crater lake. We ventured through farms and wilderness to make it to a beautiful series of huts overlooking the lake. Kris and me had some beers and watched the colobus monkeys playing in the trees. This was probably one of the most relaxed times I've had in ages. When it was time to call it a day (and make it back before night time), we called up two bodas for the journey home. This time, £8,000 a piece! Are we that good at bartering now??

Back in Fort, we dropped by Andrew's for 2 more crates. My man knows us well, he wavered the deposit fee and paid for the delivery bodas! Then we chilled at the hostel until the boys got back, along with the new arrivals from UMU. Team Colin all went out that night of course, but to our disappointment none of the UMUs were up for it, except for our man Kowse. Ah well, we just wanted to show them the bright lights of Fort!

We bounced to Forest Club but couldn't find any bodas, what with it being Sunday. Determined to walk, suddenly Anirudh (who had gotten ahead) rocks up in some guy's car! I dunno what the deal was, but ten of us packed in this tiny box car (I swear there were 5 in the trunk) and we were off. The driver didn't have much of a say on the situation, but then again that was pretty standard. We hit Comfort Zone later for a night of much of the same.


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