Dog Day Afternoon.

"Go, Sabre, go! Go forth to the City of Towers and return with great news that one day we may live there!"

"'Tis an evil place, master. You would not like it there. The Architect of Doom has wrought great pain on its inhabitants and, while I'm on the subject, on the general aesthetics of the area."

"Fear not, Sabre! The Architect of Doom is a myth, I tell you! The City of Towers has commanding views of salty water and tempts us all with its compact but bijou living spaces and real electricity!".

"Master, I fear you have succumbed to the miasma of rhetoric with which we mortals are punished on a daily basis. I refuse to pander to their grotesque claims! I will not go to the City of Towers!".

"You won't get any rabbit flavoured Dreamies if you don't."

"Ffs.....Oh, alright then".

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