
By StorksRock

Panorama week - graffiti

I haven't been blipping as much as I'd like recently. Too much work, too much marathon training (although I often take blips when out running), and I'm bored with my blips. So I decided to add a twist this week, and take a blip a day using the panorama setting on my phone.

This blip was taken on the Regent's Canal in Hackney. I've been meaning to blip some of the graffiti here for a while, and a panorama allows me to fit more in. I quite like the strangely cut-down runner who ran into my blip heading for the steps (which lead off the canal). The blip includes a couple of cyclists and a runner, which is normal. It is usually peaceful on the towpath, but always fairly busy at lunchtime.

This is the stretch where me and a colleague were once overtaken by a bloke riding a penny farthing bike. That was an amazing sight. There was nothing so out of the ordinary today, but I did notice that one if the murals I've blipped previously has been removed - presumably ahead of the demolition of the derelict building it was attached to.

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