And Still The Wind Blows

I must go down to the sea again,
The lonely sea and the sky.
I left my vest and socks there,
I wonder if they're dry.

I don't know why this piece of Spike Milligan doggerel came to mind, but I just found it repeating itself in my head as I reviewed my blip possibilities. Certainly, they were brave souls that ventured on to the beach today. It was sunny, it was warm, but the wind was "penible" as the French would say. Through the trees you can see the silhouette of a poor, lame man who drags his bad left leg along the shoreline every day in his bid to keep moving and stay alive.

After four months here, we are now counting down to our departure on Friday. Apart from our dinner date in Sitges with the irrepressible Bb and Dd (fellow blippers), we are not looking forward to the long drive home.

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