Cuddles mummy

I had the best night sleep last night. I didn't stir once. So much so mummy was worried about coming in to my nursery, not sure why, where does she think I would have gone?

I woke up full of beans and cuddles. I demanded lots of cuddles before going to my childminders. I was excited to see my best friend Lewis was there today too. We went to the park today. We had great fun playing outside in the fresh air.

We then made crafts. I made a star and a flower. Both Lewis and I sat nicely together making out crafts. It was a lovely afternoon. Mummy then came to pick me up. I wanted my coat and shoes then said bye bye.

I had lovely cuddles with mummy before bed. After daddy had given me my bath of course. I sat cuddled up wrapping mummy's hands around me tight.

I am now off to play with the fairies. Hopefully as peaceful a night as last night. Fairies get you special dust coming I'm on my way.

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