
By SherriM

Home of Scopes aka MonoMonday:Architecture

I was seeing patient's in a nearby town, and popped over to Dayton for lunch and this quick photo of the historic Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, TN where the famous Scopes Trial took place. You may have heard it called the Scopes "Monkey" Trial.

The second floor of the courthouse has been restored to the way it looked during the trial in 1925. Every July the townspeople re-enact the key moments of the trial. The following is inscribed in a commemorative plaque outside the courthouse:

Here, from July 10 to 21, 1925 John
Thomas Scopes, a County High School
teacher, was tried for teaching that
a man descended from a lower order
of animals in violation of a lately
passed state law. William Jennings
Bryan assisted the prosecution;
Clarence Darrow, Arthur Garfield
Hays, and Dudley Field Malone the
defense. Scopes was convicted.

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