Photo fail

Only took two pictures today, this one and one, worse than this one.

Today's blip is Charlotte chilling in front of Charlie and Lola as I got dressed this morning. Daddy left at silly o clock again and had the most hideous journey into London.

My day morning at work was fine and dandy, left for hospital appointment at lunch, ate my sandwiches in the car, did my marking,whilst parked at the hospital. Went in, seen straight away, told yes they recommend epidural, left!

I knew it would be quick but never thought that quick!

Popped to matalan on way home, ended up with leggings - necessity, new pants (for hospital bag) and set of newborn body and sleep suits and same in 0-3 as I couldn't decide which size was best to get and most importantly a new Peppa pig DVD

Picked Munchie moo up. 5 cases if chicken pox in her room at nursery now! Home, played, watched a few Peppa episodes, daddy home.

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