Maybe today

By Feather

Ferry Quick Blip

The Friendship is one of 9 of First Fleet" ferries , so named as they carry the names of the first British Ships bringing white settlement to Australia in 1788.

An early Blip as I am just about to leave for the Airport.

I mentioned yesterday that Mr F and I are embarking on an "oldies Gap Year", but before you get the idea that I will be hiking the Inca Trail, dancing at the Full Moon Festival in Thailand or Bungee jumping in New zealand, I will clarify.
Mr F has recently retired and we plan to travel but have no itinerary and are really just making it up as we go along. We (Mr F) have accumulated lots and lots of frequent flyer points and even hotel points (lucky us) and so we will attempt to use wherever possible.
It will probably the tamest "Gap year" ever! But there are places to see that somehow we have missed along the way…and maybe even get to meet a few Blippers. Exciting!

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