a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Round 2

And back I toddle again to Coriolanus, this time accompanied by the Lovely Luisa.

Another packed house today, but this time 9 out of 10 people were women (of all ages). A sprinkling of some elderly male Shakespeare fans, blinking bemusedly at the throng and probably not a clue why the young’uns had come along. Clearly, rumours of the almost sheer, back-lit robe that the lead had to wear had not reached them. I shall not sully your delicate ears by repeating some of the comments I heard in the lobby with regard to that outfit.

I’m not going to witter on about the play again except to say I enjoyed it as much as the first time (and that had nothing to do with the aforementioned robe)*. The clean-up crews certainly earned their keep, owing to the amount of tomatoes, water, dirt etc that was lashed about on stage.

What amazed me this time was a 20-something woman about 3 seats over, who FLEW FROM JAKARTA (Indonesia) TO SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, TO COME TO THE CINEMA!

Hiddleston, your fans frighten me a little.

Oops, just realised I've done 3 cinema blips in a row...well there's not a lot else happening at the moment.

Annnd double oops - apparently it's my 500th blip...damn bugger and blast, I might have made an effort if I'd known that....

* Well, not much, anyway.

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