
By Houseonahill6

Climb every Mountain

We went to Inverness today to collect our new glasses, buy one get one free, so it's handy to have a spare pair. We were in there about 40 minutes having them adjusted to fit.
I had some Brownie forms to drop off in Beauly so we decided to buy some lunch and sit by the river. It was beautiful, fast flowing and high probably due to snow melt. Mike saw something dip in the water possibly an otter but it did nt make another appearance.
We have always wanted to go up the hills behind Beauly so we turned left and just drove upwards. I spotted the tractor and asked Mike to stop. He was rather embarrassed as it meant he had to reverse and there was someone on a bench in front of the farm house but I got the shot I wanted. After exploring some of the area and gazing at the views over the Beauly Firth we headed back down and found a spot where trees had been felled with great views across to Ben Wyvis which still had a coating of snow. There were plenty of buzzards around soaring above the trees and a Pied Wagtail landed on a log pile.

It was a great day from start to finish. I must apologise again for not replying to all your comments but I really want to comment on yours and then run out of time.

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