A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Getting Ready

Today was a day of cleaning. My Taxman asked what he could do to help. He asked if I wanted him to vacuum or dust, or scrub a bathroom. I told him I wanted to move the piano. And also the big china cabinet. He thought I was kidding.

We moved the piano - it's an antique upright player piano (the heaviest kind). We emptied out all of his grandma's dishes and my mom's pretty keepsakes from the china cabinet. We moved it. I put everything back in. I turned the area rug around because one end has a stretched edge that trips people. I moved the small table from the other room. He hung a heavy decorative metal mirror above the table. I dusted, vacuumed, and moved pretty things here and there.

Then I set the dining room table while he mopped the floor. I got out fresh Big Fat Soap and put it in the shower...and clean towels too. I made up the futon in my Taxman's office with lots of warm blankets and clean sheets.

We're ready now - to paint. Hahahahaha...you think I'm kidding? My Taxman will not think it's funny in a few weeks when I'm ready to tear this room apart and give it a make-over. But it helped my sour mood to rearrange things if even temporarily. I really am ready - for Thanksgiving.

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