
By Doremigirl

71 . 365

Busy day! And the weather was rather wonky: cloudy, rainy, clearing, rainy, and now high winds and the temperature has dropped 20 degrees since this afternoon.

I was fortunate enough to catch the sun peeking out on the way home.

I was also fortunate that my car didn't crash into a tree when I was trying to catch the shot.
So the story goes like this: I "parked" the car and put the right signal on so people will see that I'm parked. I was stepping out when to my great surprise the car was moving! Our son was asleep in the car - I thought I was going to die.
Why hadn't I parked the car?

Ack! I guess I was really focused on taking my shot!
Praise that my son was safe and that I was able to put the car in parking mode to catch this light.

So for tonight's sound illustration ;-)
OneRepublic: Secrets

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