Digital Me

It sometimes feels that I spend as much time in the digital world as I do in the real world. My daily work life is spent sat in front of a computer. Meetings are conducted virtually over the phone and internet and one of my most time consuming hobbies sees me once again sitting in front of a computer editing photos, posting them as blips and generally participating in this community.

Happy 25th birthday to the internet.

Luckily, I have plenty of 'normal' stuff in my life to ensure something of a balance, but I look at today's youngsters and I'm not so sure they do or will have that same balance.

Anyway, enough belly button gazing. In the normal world, I beat Tim at squash last night. Unbeaten so far this year but it was close. Well, until the last game, by when I think he had already thrown in the towel :-)

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