A Late Arrival

Hi. Tom

Today We received a parcel in the post dated as you can see 22/10/13. I think it's rather late. Good job we weren't dependant on the contents. It's from Billings and I really thought it was from you. It was a couple of t.shirts your uni has sent because dad joined something or other.

The shower room is coming on. Everything has been either ordered or picked up. Hopefully it won't take long as I'm fed up with the dust already.

Another beautiful day. I even got the legs out today. I went into town and some people were still wrapped up like it was winter.

Anyway that's about it for today as I've spoken to you. I love the subjects you have chosen for next semester, they are very interesting.

Of to Zumba soon :) I need to do something today I'm getting a bit lazy.

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