
You guys. What can I say? The overwhelming response to yesterday's blip took me a little by surprise. Thank you all so very much. Your kindness has sustained me through a difficult day.

The weather has been so beautiful here, blue skies, warm and sunny, which I managed to enjoy for all of about five minutes. I cycled into work in the fog (making a failed attempt along the way to try to get above it all) and cycled back this evening in the dark. I could regard that as depressing but I'll take this shot as a positive, as well as the fact that I felt very strong riding home. I love it when I can feel the fitness returning like this. From forty years of training I've got a might fine balance in the deposit account but I've recently lacked anything in the current account. The last few weeks I've been serving the notice period for making a transfer from one to the other. It felt like the funds had arrived tonight and I could start drawing on them! That felt good. Just got to be a little careful now and not spend it too quickly!!

So, a simple composition to help balance a day of unending complications. Presentation tomorrow morning and I've still got a few bits to finish off. I dearly wish I could be spending that time with you rather than working. Thanks again guys. I'm really lost for words right now.

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