
By Delamanda

Paroxysms of ...

Paroxysm: 'Med. An episode of increased acuteness or severity of a disease, esp. one recurring periodically in the course of the disease; a sudden recurrence or attack, e.g. of coughing; a sudden worsening of symptoms.’ (OED). To seek and shoot the suggested meaning would have been simply too depressing, so I have taken a few different interpretations based on word clusters.

Paroxysms of fear (pic) - something felt by a certain supermarket chief facing the City this morning. Paroxysms of despair - no heating and no hot water (again) as well as the choice between internet or telephone, but not both at the same time. Paroxysms of delight - Bleeding London continues apace.

Day #72 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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