An Artist's Life

By MariB


Off to the BIG Village to the warehouse store to stock up on goodies for the opening of the grandaddy of all western art shows: The C.M. Russell Museum Art Show and Auction in Great Falls. I could wax poetically about Charlie's paintings, but time is limited right now. Anyway, I am in the Western Masters part of the show and we usually have a reception on opening night, so off to the warehouse store to fetch the 50# of nuts, 20 bottles of wine, 10 lbs of various cheeses, cold drinks by the case, prociutto, pancetta, salamis....all manner of finger food and drinks. These carts can hold the average adult and a week's worth of groceries....not your wee supermarket buggies. you can see there are two children's seats in there; so somewhere in this store we must be able to buy some kids. So it's load 'em up and move 'em out. It's off to the circus we go.

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