Today is 500 consecutive days of getting a photo up on blip. Several have been grand artistic successes, several have been quick snaps, and a few have been outright awful. I had several grand shots planned around dinner tonight. The um, Kxxxton card appears to have malfunctioned and not a single shot was captured, so I improvised and this is what I got. Sorry about no smile, but I am only 13 sleeps or lacks thereof, from hip replacement surgery and even with vicodin pain is always around. I can hardly wait. I hear I can even go back to aikido. Yay.

Today, I am thankful for all the blessings in my life, to many to count, the day I was given, sleep when it comes, 500 straight days of pictures, a warm soft bed, clean water, enough tasty food, chocolate cream cheese brownies, Mara, the baby to come, Sally, Nathan, Geoff. Anne and all their families, Jack and Tia, and Tia's family, medical care, a job for the next two months, the cats, the dogs, the parrots, friends, orange juice, green chile, being able to wear size 14 pants, beauty around me, St. Michael's church, the Rio Puerco, my friends Pat and Barbara, my mom, my dad and the rest of my family that has passed, the ocean and the vast New Mexico sky (and everything and everyone that the brain like a stainless steel sieve has forgotten).

I am rather pleased that the 500 coincided with the chance to officially thankful.

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