Three Birches

I don't know if you ever noticed it too, but whenever I see these beautiful white birch trees I notice they are always planted in a group of three.

Does anyone know why this seems to be a tradition? I would really like to know!


This is what eHow says about it, but I'm sure there is an older - maybe religious ? holy trinity? or other superstition - reason why:

Silver birch trees are popular ornamental trees. The distinctive bark and beautiful, heart-shaped leaves make them excellent shade trees. As ornamental trees, silver birch are often planted in clusters of three, although the origins of this tradition have not lasted as long as the tradition itself. Sources neither agree on nor are sure about how this custom started.


One possible reason people plant silver birches in groups of three is to reduce their height. In the wild, this tree can attain 100 feet, making it too tall for many backyards and gardens. Since the birch roots are both deep and wide-spreading, certain gardeners feel that by planting a cluster of three trees, the roots will have to share a small area and, as a result, may limit the height of the trees.

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